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Always well en:formed for more than five years
The en:former is saying goodbye, but RWE will continue keeping you abreast of energy topics

With New Year’s Eve around the corner, we have a message on our own behalf: We at Team en:former will not post new articles to our energy blog after 2023. The good news is that the en:former will remain online until further notice, and you will still be able to access all articles published so far. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your years of loyalty and showing interest in the varied energy-related topics covered by our blog.

Let us take a trip in a time machine: We got started in April 2018, more than five-and-a-half years ago. Our sights were set on two goals: present basic knowledge of energy supply in an appealing and intelligible manner to a large target audience, and report on current developments in the energy industry, research and politics ­with a clear focus on renewable energy.

And we’ve had phenomenal success: We have registered over a million visits to our blog and some 4.3 million page hits since inception. Further insightful figures regarding the en:former can be found in the following infographic.

So why aren’t we carrying on? Lots of information which was only known to experts in the past has become part of daily media coverage. Current information from the energy sector such as data on electricity generation, gas storage fill levels, and renewable energy expansion targets is provided by numerous (digital) media outlets.

However, we are happy to continue keeping you abreast of the energy transition, above all through our Growing Green campaign, which launched in 2021. RWE intends to invest 55 billion euros in offshore and onshore wind, solar energy, storage technologies, flexible generation, and hydrogen projects in the coming years through to 2030. Follow us on the RWE LinkedIn channel, subscribe to our newsletter, or stop by our homepage regularly.

Continue to stay well en:formed! Thank you so much for your keen interest!

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