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Gewinnung von Erdwärme aus gefluteten Steinkohlebergwerken

The ‘Mine Water Energy for ENERGETICON’ project – GrEEN for short – uses mine water to heat the ENERGETICON Energy Museum, located on the former Anna mine site. Within the context of a closing conference on ‘extraction of geothermal energy from flooded coal mines with the Eduard shaft in Alsdorf as an example’, information on the project and initial results will be presented.

  • Host: ENERGETICON gGmbH, StädteRegion Aachen, EnergieAgentur.NRW, Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier GmbH
  • Cost: free
  • Further information
ENERGETICON, Fördermaschinenhaus

Konrad-Adenauer-Allee 7
52477 Alsdorf

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