Die abgeschlossene Installation der treibenden Photovoltaik-Anlage im RWE-Kraftwerk in den Niederlanden

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How to build a floating solar farm
Follow the step-by-step how-to for a floating solar farm in our slide show

An increasing number of solar farms is learning how to swim – and for good reason. Modules floating on a lake save space on land. In fact, this innovative technology, known as ‘floating solar,’ offers even more advantages. There is less shade on open waters and their cooling effect increases solar cell efficiency, which promises to deliver higher yields.

This is why floating technology is booming especially in Asia, which has many densely populated regions. We showcased some of the biggest farms on en:former. How are such solar farms built and how does their design differ from that of their conventional variants? Our image gallery presents answers to these questions and shows how RWE installed its first floating PV system in the Netherlands.

The construction of the floating photovoltaic system at the Amer power plant.

When the foundation is completed, the installation of the solar panels follow

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